Gerhard Fasol

Gerhard Fasol: talks

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Gerhard Fasol talks and events:

Japan’s energy – myths versus reality

Gerhard Fasol
Wednesday, June 19th, 2013, 18:30
Embassy of Sweden, Alfred Nobel Auditorium, Tokyo
Stockholm School of Economics, European Institute of Japanese Studies
details: “Japan’s energy – myths versus reality”
This talk is based on our reports:
Renewable energy in Japan
Japan’s energy sector

A future for Japan’s tech companies?

Gerhard Fasol
June 5th, 2013, 18:30
Tokyo Midtown
Tokyo CEO Forum

Overview of Japan’s Data Center Landscape, Opening Keynote

Gerhard Fasol
May 22, 2013
Data Center Summit Tokyo (May 22, 2013, Tokyo)
Questex Events
Data Center Summit Tokyo (May 22, 2013, Tokyo)

Apple-Samsung Patent War and Impact on Japans Industries

Gerhard Fasol
Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 12:00-13:30
Foreign Correspondents Club Japan (FCCJ), Yurakucho
“Apple-Samsung Patent War and Impact on Japans Industries”

In a global war to dominate the smartphone market, Samsung and Apple have been at each other’s throats, playing out the war in courts around the world and accusing each other of patent violations. A California court recently ruled in favour of Apple and ordered Samsung to pay $1 billion, a figure that could rise dramatically when the case is played out. Samsung has won minor battles in the U.K., Japan and Australia, but with new mobile phone models and tablets being introduced by both firms, the war is only going to get bigger and bloodier. In Japan local manufacturers are being marginalized and even fighting for survival.
Japan-based expert Gerhard Fasol will return to the FCCJ to shed light on the Apple-Samsung dispute and how it impacts the Japan market, Japan operators and Japan manufacturers.

Gerhard Fasol runs Japan’s Eurotechnology K.K. consultancy (, has advised the president of Germany, JETRO and number of Japanese companies involved in high-tech industries and has authored Japanese patent applications. Fasol, who has written a number of books, graduated with a PhD in Physics from Cambridge University and was a tenured professor at Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratory, a research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Solid States Sciences in Germany, a manager of one of Hitachi’s R&D labs and was Director of Studies at Trinity College, Cambridge.

“Cash Goes Mobile and Electronic: First to Market in Japan, and Then What?”

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
July 18, 2012, 14:30-15:20
Tokyo ANA Intercontinental Hotel
TTI-Vanguard Conference on “Future Proofing”
TTI-Vanguard Conference on “Future Proofing”

The beauty of Japan’s Galapagos Effect – and how to go beyond

Gerhard Fasol
July 12, 2010, 12:00-14:00
Tokyo Westin Hotel
American Chamber of Commerce
Read summary here in the ACCJ-Journal

A Snapshot of the Current Mobile Market and Opportunities in Japan

Gerhard Fasol
Tokyo, June 17, 2010, 18:30
Beacon Communications, Tokyo-Ebisu
International Computing Association, Tokyo

The beauty of Japan’s Galapagos effect – and how to go beyond

Gerhard Fasol
May 19, 2010, 18:30
Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo, Alfred Nobel Lecture room
details of this talk see:

Will cash become obsolete? Next-next generation electronic and mobile payments in Japan

Gerhard Fasol
April 21, 2010
National Institute for Standards and Technology NIST, Washington DC
for details of this talk see:

Understanding Ludwig Boltzmann

Gerhard Fasol
April 21, 2010
National Institute for Standards and Technology NIST, Washington DC

Next generation Electronic Payments Solutions

Gerhard Fasol
April 19, 2010, 18:00
MIT, MIT Enterprise Forum, Boston (MA)
details of this talk see:


Why are the European and the Japanese Mobile Phone Markets so Different – and where are the resulting business opportunities (in Japanese Language)

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
October 6, 2005, 14:00-15:00
Conference Center, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan
CEATEC Trade Show Conference 2005, Session SP-11
Paradigm change of the global mobile phone business and opportunities for Japanese mobile phone makers

Paradigm change of the global mobile phone business and opportunities for Japanese mobile phone makers”

Gerhard Fasol
Friday October 3, 2008
International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe, Meeting Room 302
CEATEC Conference, talk NT-13
link: “″>Paradigm change of the global mobile phone business and opportunities for Japanese mobile phone makers”

The emergence of iPhone, Android, open-sourcing of Symbian, and the growth of mobile data services are changing the paradigm of the global mobile phone business opening new opportunities for Japanese mobile phone makers. Japan’s mobile phone handset makers have missed most opportunities during the first wave of mobile phone opportunities. The developing paradigm change opens new opportunities for Japanese makers. The talk will explain the paradigm shifts and trends of the global mobile phone handset market, and resulting opportunities for Japanese mobile phone makers, and will indicate how these opportunities can actually be realized

  • 現在の世界の携帯電話端末市場の状況
  • 携帯電話市場のパラダイムシフト
  • 何故ノキア社はそなに成功するか?
  • パラダイムシフトからの日本の携帯端末メーカのチャンス
  • 日本の端末メーカー他の企業の戦えを勝ち•生き残るの方法:
    1. パラダイムシフトの理解の上の戦略
    2. ニッチ市場から
    3. 集中
    4. ブランド
    5. スピード
    6. リーダーシップの多様性•ダイバーシティ

Will The iPhone Trigger A Turning Point In Japan’s Mobile Phone Industry?

presentation by Tetsuzo Matsumoto, SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp. and Gerhard Fasol
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Foreign Correspondents Club in Tokyo

“A German perspective on M&A in Japan”

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
June 24th, 2008
German Embassy, Tokyo

A European perspective on M&A in Japan

Gerhard Fasol
Wednesday June 4, 2008
Danish Chamber of Commerce in Japan
Read the report on the website of the Danish Chamber of Commerce in Japan.

Global opportunities for Japan’s telecommunications sector

Gerhard Fasol
Friday, May 9, 2008
Princeton University
Workshop on modeling and analysis of Computer and Communication systems at Princeton University

Mergers & Acquisitions in Japan – Two Views from Tokyo

Speakers: Dr Gerhard Fasol, President, Eurotechnology Japan KK and David Syrad, Managing Director/Managing Director Asia, A.K.I. Japan Limited/Change Masters International Limited
Friday, April 18, 2008
Sandwiches 12.30: Seminar 13.00 – 14.30.
Daiwa Foundation Japan House, 13/14 Cornwall Terrace, London, NW1 4QP
event of the Asia-Pacific Technology Network and Daiwa Anglo Japan Foundation in London
for details see:
“Mergers and acquisitions in Japan”

Solid state lighting

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Tokyo (Grand Hyatt Hotel, Roppongi Hills)
CLSA Japan Forum in Tokyo
see: Eurotechnology report on Solid State Lighting

Help – my mobile phone does not work! – Why Japan’s mobile phone sector is so different from Europe’s

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Friday, March 16, 2007
12:00 noon
Tokyo (Westin Hotel)
Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan (FCCJ)
View an event report with photographs and comments here
Download the Powerpoints of the presentation here (pdf, 1.2 MB)
see also: Eurotechnology report on Japan’s telecommunications sector

“Mobile payment and the future of money “

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Friday March 2, 2007
Grand Hyatt Hotel Tokyo
CLSA Japan Forum 2007
“Impact of mobile payment and the future of money”

The presentation covers the following agenda:

  • Can e-money and mobile payment replace cash?
  • Example: mobile payment for the world’s busiest train line
  • DoCoMo’s target for mobile payments
  • Japan’s mobile payment and keitai credit landscape
  • Free markets vs regulation
  • Mifare and Felica chips and radio communications (NFC)
  • Who drives mobile payments
  • Growth of SUICA
  • DoCoMo’s mobile payment and keitai credit strategy
  • Edy – electronic cash
  • A major bank’s mobile payment system
  • Impact
  • Where to invest – who to watch
  • Summary

More information:
“Mobile payment and keitai credit” (download here)

Mobile Payments (3 hour workshop)

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Monday, January 22, 2007
3 hours
Makuhari, near Tokyo
organized by MarcusEvans: “Global 3G Evolution Forum”

Japan’s Mobile Phone Industry and u-Japan

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Thursday, 12th October 2006, 17:00-19:00
Main Conference Room 4F, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, Tokyo
organized by EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, Tokyo


Japan’s mobile phone and broad-band markets are about 3-6 years ahead of Europe: new services are typically invented or first brought to market in Japan, 3-6 years earlier than in Europe. Internet in Japan is generally much faster and much cheaper than in Europe. For this reason and because of it’s size, Japan’s telecom markets are full of opportunities for European companies with the right products and the right strategy, and for investors with the necessary knowledge.

Japan’s mobile phone industry is notoriously difficult to understand for Europeans because it’s
market logic is very different from Europe’s, and because the pace of innovation and structural change is much faster, and because of the language barriers.

This talk will explain the driving forces behind recent dramatic changes in Japan’s mobile telecom sector, and will explain new changes that the “ubiquitous-Japan” (“u-Japan”) policy will bring in the near future.

Do you need to know what Europe’s mobile phone and internet markets will look like in 2010 or 2015? – Come to this talk and you will get a good look into Europe’s IT future about 5 years ahead, as well as Japan’s telecom markets today.

Panel discussion for about 200 Japanese CEOs and high level managers about the challenges of international business management

Five panelists:
James C Abbeglen
Allen Miner (CEO of Sunbridge Venture Habitat, and founder of Oracle Japan)
Kong Jian (China – Japan Economic Federation)
Koshiro Kitazato (Chairman of BT Japan)
Gerhard Fasol (CEO Eurotechnology Japan KK)
May 30, 2006, Evening: 18:00-20:00 followed by dinner reception
Industrial Club of Japan

Why Japan is several years ahead of Europe in Telecommunications, and what Europe can do to catch up? – briefing on Japan’s telecommunications sector

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
April 24, 2006, 18:30 – 21:00
[genericon icon=location]
Investor AB: Group of Controllers (CFOs) of Investor AB’s portfolio companies

The Swedish controllers (CFOs) had asked for a briefing on Japan’s telecom industry. Some of their companies are considering to start, re-start, or grow faster in Japan, so there were many detailed questions about business in Japan, what can go wrong, personell issues, experience of other multinationals, and of course a lot of questions about IKEA and Vodafone.

My presentation was similar to the presentation I had given on March 23, 2006 to the Technology Attaches of the Embassies of the 25 European Union countries, which lead the European Union to award our company a project contract about EU vs Japan benchmarking issues in telecoms and key technology areas.

Why are mobile phones so hot in Japan? How can European companies profit from Keitai?

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
March 23, 2006
Delegation of the EU to Japan, Tokyo
Briefing for the Technology Attaches of the Embassies of the 25 European Union countries in Tokyo

Why are mobile phones so hot in Japan? How can European companies profit from Keitai?

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
February 16, 2006, 18:30 – 21:00
Embassy of Sweden, Alfred Nobel Auditorium
Stockholm School of Economics, European Institute of Japanese Studies

Why are the European and the Japanese Mobile Phone Markets so Different – and where are the resulting business opportunities (ヨ−ロッパと日本における携帯市場はなぜこれほどまでに違うのか、その結果としてのビジネス機会はどこにあるのか) (In Japanese language)

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
October 6, 2005, 14:00-15:00
Conference Center, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan
CEATEC Trade Show Conference 2005, Session SP-11

How to expand Japan’s mobile business to Europe

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
September 30, 2005
Communications & IT Industry Association HQ, Tokyo

Bridging the Japan-Europe technology interface (日本と欧州の技術連携の面白さ)

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
June 9, 2005, 12:00 noon
Rotary Club Tokyo Minami

Wireless Tele-Medicine – Technology Trends

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Tuesday, May 5, 2004, 15:15 – 21:30
Swiss Stock Exchange, Zurich, Switzerland
First Tuesday Zuerich

Creating a Mission Statement for a Top Ranking Japanese Engineering University and Suggestions for its Realization

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Wednesday September 3, 2003, 11:50 – 12:35
Tokyo Institute of Technology
International Symposium on the Future of Engineering Education

Japan’s Mobile Communications Industry

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
June 12, 2003, 18:30-20:30
Embassy of Germany, Tokyo
Residence of HE The Ambassador of Germany to Japan

E-commerce in Japan

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Wednesday April 10, 2002, 8:00-9:30am
Chicago O’Hare Airport Conference Center
Asia/Pacific – Midwest Business Conference organized by the US Department of Commerce and the Illinois District Export Council

i-Mode – and business models for mobile communications

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
March 21, 2002, Full day: 10:00 – 18:00 followed by dinner reception
Hotel Metropolitan, Lisboa, Portugal
organized by Seminario Internacional Prisma. Attendance: about 50 executives from Portugal’s telecom operators, major consulting firms, and IT professionals

Physics in industry – perspectives from Japan (Plenary lecture)

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Thursday, September 9th, 1999:
11:50-12:30 (Invited plenary talk, 40 mins)
11th General Conference of the European Physical Society : EPS-11 : Trends in Physics

Spin-polarized Electrons in Semiconductors and in Mesoscopic Devices (Special Invited Lecture Nr. 2pF5)

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Tuesday 2nd April 1996, 15:15-16:05 (50 minutes incl. discussion)
Kanazawa-University, Lecture-Room F
Spring Meeting of the Japanese Physical Society in Kanazawa

Cross-Cultural Communication (In Japanese Language)

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Monday 22 January 1996
18:00-20:00, followed by buffet reception
German Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, (Deutsche Industrie und Handelskammer in Japan DIHKJ)
Audience: Japanese Executives of German and Japanese Companies

Electron Spin Effects in Semiconductors: Spin Relaxation, Spin-Effects on the Bandstructure, Possible Device Applications

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Friday 6 October 1995, 13.30
Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. Tokyo

Development of novel electronic, opto-electronic and magneto-electronic devices and research trends in Japan in semiconductors”

“Entwicklung neuartiger elektronischer, opto-elektronischer und magneto-elektronischer Bauelemente und Forschungstrends in Japan auf dem Gebiet der Halbleiter
Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Monday 18 September 1995, 18.00
German Embassy Tokyo
Technology Seminar Series

Blue light emitters for displays, data storage, and traffic signals – Recent breakthroughs by Nichia Chemical Industries Ltd., background & implications

Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
Wednesday 2 August, 1995, 4PM
Asian Technology Information Program (ATIP), Tokyo

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