Gerhard Fasol, books and scientific publications
Scientific publications (peer reviewed), books
- “The Blue Laser Diode : The Complete Story” (2nd Edition), S. Nakamura, S. Pearton, G. Fasol (Springer-Verlag, October 2000, ISBN 3-540-66505-6)
order from Springer-Verlag (hardcover / softcover / e-Book)
order “The blue laser diode” from amazon.com - “The Blue Laser Diode – GaN based light emitters and lasers” (1st Edition), S. Nakamura, G. Fasol (Springer-Verlag, January 1997, ISBN 987-3-662-03464-4)
Read here about the background of how this book came about. - “Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Microstructures” edited by Gerhard Fasol, Annalisa Fasolino and Paolo Lugli, NATO ASI Series, Series B: Physics Vol. B206, (Plenum Press, New York, 1989) ISBN 0-306-43378-8
order from Springer-Verlag (hardcover / softcover / e-Book)
order “Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Microstructures” from amazon.com - Ilse Fasol and Gerhard Fasol “Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), Zum hundertsten Todestag”, Springer Verlag, (2006)
Patents – Gerhard Fasol
Four patent applications have been submitted to the Japanese Patent Office
Research Funding record – Gerhard Fasol (as Principal Investigator (PI))
- Japan:
- Japan research project funding record
- Japanese Government Kakenhi record (科研費)
- Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) Sakigake Research Project (3 years), parallel to Tokyo University Associate Professor appointment (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Tokyo University, Institute of Industrial Science, Special internal Institute research award, one Faculty member is selected every year internally by the Institute Faculty for this award
- UK
- SERC: major 3 year research grant for Raman Spectroscopy equipment and research project. Raman spectroscopy of semiconductor nano-structures
- SERC: super computing ressources award for computation of semiconductor properties
- SERC: CASE studentship for a PhD Student to be supervised jointly by British Telecom and Gerhard Fasol, cooperation with British Telecom
- Trinity College, Cambridge: Research Fellowship in Annual Competition (Title A) and numerous travel grants, Research Assistant Staff and other awards and financial support
- British Council: Fellowship, 3 years for PhD at Cambridge University and Trinity College
- British Council: Research cooperation grant with Spain
- France:
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Invitation of 3 French scientists to Gerhard Fasol’s group at Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge for collaborative research.
- Invited Professorship, Ecole Normale Superieure, Dept of Physics
- EU: cooperative research award in semiconductor nano-structures
- NATO Science for Stability Program: Conference grant for Conference on “Spectroscopy of Microstructures”. See: Proceedings book of the workshop “Spectroscopy of Microstructures” (purchase from Amazon.com)
Purchase eBook from Springer Verlag
PhD thesis
Time-resolved luminescence studies in amorphous phosphorus / Gerhard Ludwig Theodor Fasol.
Gerhard. Fasol ; University of Cambridge. Department of Physics.
Cambridge University Library
Publications, Gerhard Fasol, peer-reviewed scientific + others
Scientific publications (mostly peer reviewed + conferences)
- G. Fasol, J. S. Schilling and B. Seeber, “Pressure induced phase transformation in non-transforming V_{3}Si”, Physical Review Letters 41, 424 (1978)
- G. Fasol and J. S. Schilling, “New hydrostatic pressure cell to 90 kbar for precise electrical and magnetic measurements.” Review of Sci. Instruments 49, 1722 (1978)
- G. Fasol, J. S. Schilling and B. Seeber, “Superconductivity of V_{3}Si under hydrostatic pressures to 45 kbar.” Journal de Physique 39, C6 410-411 (1978)
- G. Fasol, J. S. Schilling, C. C. Tsui and F. Zimmer, “Superconductivity in amorphous La_{78}Au_{22} under high pressures” Journal of Physics F 8, L257 (1978)
- G. Fasol and E. A. Davis, “Time–resolved luminescence measurements in amorphous phosphorus.” Journal de Physique 42, C4, 571-574 (1981)
- G. Fasol, A. D. Yoffe and E. A. Davis. “Time-resolved luminescence study of recombination and defects in amorphous phosphorus”, Journal of Physics C 15, 5851 (1982)
- G. Fasol, “Time–resolved photoluminescence measurements using a boxcar averager” Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 15, 1296 (1982)
- G. Fasol and P. Viscor, “Transient Photoconductivity in UHV–evaporated amorphous germanium films”, Journal of Physics C 16, 5715 (1983)
- G. Fasol and R. H. Friend, “Transient photoluminescence in Cis-Polyacetylene” Journal de Physique 44, C3, 341-343 (1983)
- G. Fasol, “Time-resolved luminescence study of amorphous phosphorus: Temperature and excitation energy dependence” Journal of Physics C18, 1729 (1985)
- G. Fasol, P. Ruden and K. Ploog, “Raman scattering from elementary excitations in GaAs with nipi doping superlattices” Journal of Physics C 17, 1395 (1984)
- G. Fasol, M. Cardona, W. Hönle and H. G. von Schnering, “Lattice dynamics of Hittorf’s phosphorus and identification of structural groups and defects in amorphous red phosphorus”, Solid State Communications 52, 307 (1984)
- G. Fasol, K. Ploog and E. Bauser, “Luminescence from hot electrons relaxing by LO phonon emission in p-GaAs and GaAs doping superlattices” Solid State Communications 54, 383 (1985)
- G. Döhler, G. Fasol, T. S. Low, J. N. Miller and K. Ploog, Solid State Communications 57, 563 (1986), “Observation of tunable room temperature photoluminescence in GaAs doping superlattices.”
- G. Fasol, H. P. Hughes and K. Ploog. Proceeedings of the 13th Yamada Conference on Electronic Properties of Two–dimensional Systems, Kyoto 1985. “Resonance Raman Scattering by Intrasubband Excitations of GaAs Multi–Quantum–Well Structures.” Surface Science 170, 497 (1986).
- G. Fasol and H. P. Hughes. Proceedings of the 12th Inst. Symp. on GaAs and related Compounds, Karuizawa, Japan, 1985, edited by M. Fujimoto. Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 79 Adam Hilger Ltd, Bristol p. 253 (1986) “Hot Electron Luminescence in GaAs: A new Method for Band Structure Studies.”
- G. Fasol and H. P. Hughes. “Band Structure Determination of GaAs from Hot Electron Luminescence.” Phys. Rev. B 33, 2953 (1986).
- G. Fasol, N. Mestres, H. P. Hughes, A. Fischer and K. Ploog. “Raman Scattering by Coupled Layer Plasmons and In–Plane 2D Single Particle Excitations in Multi–Quantum–Well Structures”. Physical Review Letters 56, 2517 (1986)
- F. Gompf, G. Fasol, W. Hönle and J. B. Suck. “The Phonon Density of States of Hittorf’s Phosphorus in Comparison to those of the black orthorhomic and the red amorphous modifications: an inelastic neutron scattering investigation.” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Phonon Physics, (Budapest), ed. by J. Kollar, N. Kroo, N. Menyhard and T. Siklos, World Scientific, Singapur, p. 82 (1985)
- M. Cardona, N. E. Christensen and G. Fasol. “The Terms Linear in k in the Band Structure of Zincblende–Type Semiconductors.” Physical Review Letters 56 2831 (1986)
- T. Suemoto, G. Fasol and K. Ploog. “Resonant Raman scattering in p–type GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs-AlAs quantum wells.” Physical Review B 34, 6034 (1986)
- G. Fasol, N. Mestres, A. Fischer and K. Ploog. “Raman Measurements of Coupled Layer Plasmons, Single Particle Excitations and Scattering Times in the Layered 2D electron gas of modulation doped GaAs–AlGaAs Multiquantum wells.” Proceedings of the 18th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, Stockholm (1986), ed. by O. Engström, World Scientific Publ. Co. (Singapore), p. 679.
- M. Cardona, N. E. Christensen and G. Fasol. “Off–Diagonal Spin–Orbit Coupling Effects in Zincblende–Type Semiconductors”. Proceedings of the 18th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, Stockholm, 1986, ed by O. Engström, World Scientific Publ. Co. (Singapore), p.1133.
- T. Suemoto, G. Fasol and K. Ploog. “Determination of Confined States and Band Gap Offset from Excitation Spectra of Resonant Raman and Luminescence in p–type GaAs Multi–Quantum–Well.” Proceedings of the 18th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, Stockholm, 1986, ed. by O. Engström, World Scientific Publ. Co. (Singapore), p. 683.
- G. Fasol, N. Mestres, M. Dobers, A. Fischer and K. Ploog, “Determination of Single Particle Relaxation Time from Light Scattering Spectra in Modulation Doped Quantum Wells”. Physical Review B 36, 1565 (1987)
- T. Suemoto, G. Fasol and K. Ploog, “Conduction–band Nonparabolicity in p–type Quantum Wells and Fourier Determination of the Hole Wavefunctions by Resonant Raman Scattering”, Phys. Rev. B 37, 6397 (1988)
- G. Fasol, N. Mestres, A. Fischer and K. Ploog, “Coupled Plasmons and Single Particle Excitations in the Two–Dimensional Electron Gas”, Physica Scripta T19, 109 (1987).
- M. Cardona, N. E. Christensen und G. Fasol, “Relativistic Band Structure and Spin-Orbit Splitting of Zincblende–Type Semiconductors”, Physical Review B 38, 1806 (1988)
- G. Fasol, N. Mestres, M. Dobers, A. Fischer and K. Ploog, “Plasmons and Single Particle Excitations in Modulation Doped Quantum Wells”, Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures (MSS–III), Montpellier 1987, Journal de Physique Colloques 48, C5 581-584, (1987)
- T. Suemoto, G. Fasol and K. Ploog, “Determination of Binding Energies and Wave Functions in Quantum Wells from Raman Resonance Cross–section Measurements”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures (MSS—III), Montpellier 1987, Journal de Physique, 48, C5 507-510 (1987).
- G. Fasol, M. Mestres und K. Ploog, “In-Plane Electronic Excitations in GaAs–GaAlAs Modulation Doped Quantum Wells”, Proceedings of the NATO workshop on “Properties of Impurity States in Semiconductor Superlattices”, 7—11 September 1987, edited by C. Y. Fong, NATO Workshop series, Plenum Press, (New York)
- G. Fasol, M. Tanaka, H. Sakaki and Y. Horikoshi, “Interface Roughness and the Dispersion of Confined LO Phonons in GaAs–AlAs Quantum Wells”, Physical Review B 38, 6056 (1988).
- G. Fasol, R. D. King–Smith, D. Richards, U. Ekenberg, N. Mestres and K. Ploog, “Intra–Well and Inter-Well Coupling of Plasmons in Multi—Layer Modulation Doped GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells”, Physical Review B 39, 12695 (1989).
- G. Fasol, T. Suemoto, U. Ekenberg and K. Ploog, “Fourier Determination of the Hole Wavefunctions in p–type Modulation Doped Quantum Wells by Resonant Raman Scattering”, in “Bandstructure Engineering in Semiconductor Microstructures”, ed. by R. A. Abram and M. Jaros, Plenum Press (New York, 1989), p 325.
- G. Fasol, R. D. King–Smith, U. Ekenberg, N. Mestres and K. Ploog, “Hierarchy of Intra–Well and Inter–well Coupling of Plasmons in Modulation Doped Quantum Wells”, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Polish Academy of Sciences—Institute of Physics, Warsawa, (1988), p.259.
- G. Fasol, “Comments on some manuscripts by Ludwig Boltzmann”, in “Ludwig Boltzmann–Gesamtausgabe”, Band 8, p. 87 ed. by R. Sexl, Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt Graz (1982).
- G. Fasol, “A liquid of fractional charges”, Nature 334, 568 (1988)
- G. Fasol, “Interference rules the waves”, Nature, 338, 464 (1989).
- G. Fasol, “The Physics of Laser Light and it’s Interaction with Matter”, in “Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery”, ed. by Bruno Reichart, Verlag R. S. Schulz, (Starnberger See), p. 391 (1989)
- G. Fasol, M. Tanaka, H. Sakaki and Y. Horikoshi, “Interface Roughness and Confined LO Phonons in Quantum Wells”, MBE–V Conference, Sapporo, 1988, Journal of Crystal Growth 95, 75—78 (1989).
- R. A. Ghanbari and G. Fasol, “Calculations of Phonons in [001] and [110] Si–Ge Strained Layer Superlattices”, Solid State Communications 70, 1025—1029 (1989).
- R. A. Ghanbari, J. D. White, G. Fasol, C. J. Gibbings, and C. G. Tuppen, “Phonon Frequencies for Si–Ge Strained–Layer Superlattices Calculated in a three–dimensional Model”, Physical Review B 42, 7033 (1990).
- J. White, G. Fasol, R. A. Ghanbari, C. J. Gibbings, and C. G. Tuppen, “Calculation of Energies and Raman Intensities of Confined Phonons in Si-Ge Strained Layer Superlattices”, Thin Solid Films 183, 71—77 (1989)
- B. Jusserand, D. R. Richards, G. Fasol, G. Weimann, and W. Schlapp, “Single Particle Excitations and Plasmons in a Single Asymmetric Modulation-Doped GaAs Quantum Well”, Surface Science, 229, 394-397 (1990).
- W. Hackenberg and G. Fasol, “Determination of the LO Phonon and $#Gamma #rightarrow L$ Intervalley Scattering Time in GaAs From Hot Luminescence Spectroscopy”, Solid-State Electronics 32, 1247—1251, (1989)
- G. Fasol, W. Hackenberg, H. P. Hughes, K. Ploog, E. Bauser, and H. Kano, “Continuous-wave Spectroscopy of femtosecond carrier scattering in GaAs”, Physical Review B 41, 1461 (1990).
- D. Richards, G. Fasol, and K. Ploog, “Light Scattering Determination of Subband Structure and Population of Modulation–Doped Multi–Quantum Wells”, Applied Physics Letters 56, 1649 (1990)
- G. Fasol, D. Richards, B. Jusserand, D. King-Smith, K. Ploog, and G. Weimann, “Raman Light Scattering Characterisation of Electrons in Modulation Doped Quantum Wells: A Contact–Free Optical Method to Determine Carrier Concentrations”, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Future Electron Devices, Toba, Japan, (1989)
- D. Richards, G. Fasol, and K. Ploog, “Electronic Raman Scattering from Modulation Doped Quantum Wells”, in “Light Scattering in Semiconductor Structures and Superlattices”, D. J. Lockwood and J. F. Young, ed., NATO Workshop Proceedings Series Vol. B273, Plenum Press, New York, p. 543 (1991).
- J. D. White, G. Fasol, R. A. Ghanbari, M. A. Gell, C. J. Gibbings, and C. G. Tuppen, “Optical Detection of Biatomic Sheets of Silicon in Si–Ge Superlattices”, Applied Physics Letters 57, 1523-1525 (1990).
- J. D. White, G. Fasol, R. A. Ghanbari, M. A. Gell, C. J. Gibbings, and C. G. Tuppen, “Vibrational Properties of Si–Ge Superlattices incorporating Biatomic Sheets of Silicon and Germanium”, Physical Review 43, 1685-1691 (1991)
- G. Fasol, D. Richards, and K. Ploog, “Electronic Raman Scattering from Plasmons in Modulation Doped Quantum Wells”, in “Condensed Systems of Low Dimensionality”, ed. by J. L. Beeby, NATO Workshop Proceedings Series, Plenum Press, New York (1991), p. 35-49.
- J. D. White and G. Fasol, “Phonons in Low–Dimensional Systems”, in “Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures”, ed. by P. Butcher, N. H. March and M. P. Tosi, Plenum Press, (New York, 1993), p. 57.
- D. Richards, G. Fasol, and K. Ploog, “Raman Scattering Verification of nonpersistent Optical Control of Electron Density in a Heterojunction”, Appl. Phys. Letters 57, 1099-1101 (1990)
- W. Hackenberg and G. Fasol, “Polar Optic Phonon and Gamma-L Intervalley Scattering Times in GaAs from Steady–State Hot–Electron Luminescence Spectroscopy”, Applied Physics Letters 57, 174-176 (1990)
- J. Wagner, M. Ramsteiner, D. Richards, G. Fasol, and K. Ploog, “Effect of Spatial Localization of dopant Atoms on the Spacing of Electron Subbands in delta –doped GaAs:Si”, Applied Physics Letters 58, 143-145 (1991).
- G. Fasol, D. Richards, J. D. White, C. J. Gibbings, and C. G. Tuppen, “Raman Spectroscopy of low–dimensional Structures”, Semicond. Science and Technology 5, 1168 (1990)
- D. Richards, G. Fasol, and K. Ploog, “Raman scattering determination of non– persistent optical control of electron density in a heterojunction”, Proceedings of SPIE Conference, Aachen, 1361, (1990).
- J. D. White, M. A. Gell, G. Fasol, C. J. Gibbings, and C. G. Tuppen, “Raman Scattering characterisation of direct bandgap Si–Ge superlattices”, Proceedings of SPIE Conference, Aachen, 1361, (1990).
- J. D. White, M. A. Gell, W. C. Shih, W. M. Stobbs, G. Fasol, C. J. Gibbings and C. G. Tuppen, “Thermal stability of biatomic sheets of Si in Si–Ge superlattices”, manuscript for submission.
- D. Richards, J. Wagner, M. Ramsteiner, U. Ekenberg, G. Fasol and K. Ploog, “Electronic structure and potential profile of the quantum well at an asymmetrically broadened Si $#delta$–layer in GaAs”, manuscript for submission to Physical Review B.
- D. Richards, J. Wagner, M. Ramsteiner, U. Ekenberg, G. Fasol and K. Ploog, “Effect of Spatial Localisation of Dopant Atoms on the Confining Potential and Electron Subband Structure in $#delta$-Doped GaAs:Si”, Surface Science 267, 61-64 (1992).
- B. Jusserand, D. R. Richards, B. Etienne, H. Peric, and G. Fasol: “Electronic Raman Scattering on Highly doped Single Quantum Wells” , Surf. Science 263, 527-530 (1992).
- W. Hackenberg, G. Fasol, and H. Kano, “Hot Electron Scattering with Cold Plasma in GaAs from CW Hot Electron Luminescence Spectroscopy”, Semicond. Science and Technology, 7, B26-B28, (1992).
- G. Fasol, “Electron Dephasing Due to Coulomb Interaction”, Applied Physics Letters 59, 2430-2432 (1991)
- G. Fasol, “Absence of Low Temperature Saturation of Electron–Electron Scattering in a Single Mode Quantum Wire”, Applied Physics Letters, 61, 831-833 (1992)
- G. Fasol and H. Sakaki, “Effects of Electron–Electron Scattering on Quantum Wave Devices”, Solid State Communications, 84, 77-80 (1992).
- G. Fasol and H. Sakaki, “Electron-Electron Scattering in Quantum Wells and Wires”, Proceedings of the 19th Int. Symposium on Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, (Karuizawa 1992), Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 129, p. 311 (1992).
- G. Fasol and H. Sakaki, “Spontaneous Spin-Polarization of Ballistic Electrons in Single Mode Quantum Wires Due to Spin Splitting”, Applied Physics Letters, 62, 2230-2232 (1993).
- G. Fasol and H. Sakaki, “Electron-electron Scattering in Quantum Wires and its Possible Suppression due to Spin Effects”, Physical Review Letters, 70, 3643-3646 (1993)
- G. Fasol, “Can we reduce Electron-Electron Scattering to Increase Electron Coherence Length and Reduce Noise in Quantum Wave Devices?”, Proceedings of the Solid State Devices Meeeting, (Tsukuba 1992).
- G. Fasol, “Calculation of Electron Coherence Lengths for Quantum Wires”, in: 21st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, ed. by Ping Jiang and Hou-Zhi Zheng, World Scientific, (Singapore, 1992), p. 1411.
- G. Fasol, Y. Nagamune, J. Motohisa und H. Sakaki, “Determination of Quantum Wire Potential and Hot Electron Spectroscopy Using Point Contacts”, Surface Science, 305, 620-623 (1994).
- G. Fasol and H. Sakaki, “Prediction of Spin-Polarization Effects in Quantum Wire Transport”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 33, 879-886 (1994).
- G. Fasol, “Electron-Electron Pair Scattering in the Two-, and One-Dimensional Electron Gas Including Effects due to Electron Spin”, submitted to Physical Review B.
- G. Fasol and H. Sakaki, “Spontaneous Spin Polarization in Quantum Wires”, Philosophical Magazine, 70, 601-616 (1994).
- G. Fasol and H. Sakaki, “Spontaneous Spin Polarization due to Electron- Electron Interaction in Quantum Wires”, in “Nanostructures and Quantum Effects”, edited by H. Sakaki and H. Noge, [Proceedings of the JRDC Int. Symposium on Nanostructures and Quantum Effects, 17—18 Nov. 1993, Tsukuba (Japan)], Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 121-130 (1994).
- G. Fasol, “Simulating the Motion of Single Electron Wave Packets through Mesoscopic Devices”, Proc. 1994 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM)
- G. Fasol, “Spontaneous Spin Polarization in Quantum Wires”, Proc. 22nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), edited by D. J. Lockwood, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995), p. 1739-1742.
- G. Fasol, Y. Nagamune, J. Motohisa und H. Sakaki, “Ballistic Electron Waves as a Detector of the Internal Potential under a Metal Gate”, Proc. 22nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), edited by D. J. Lockwood, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995), p. 1645-1648.
- Gerhard Fasol: “Quantum transport simulation for the design of ultra-small and ultra-fast semiconductor devices” “Nikkei-Science”, (November 1995), pages A8-A9
- Gerhard Fasol: “A new method for simulating coherent and ultrafast electrons in semiconductor devices” Seisan-Kenkyu, 47, 17 (1995)
- Gerhard Fasol: “First time-dependent simulation of coherent quantum transport in strong magnetic fields” Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, edited by M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) p. 1541-1544
- Gerhard Fasol: “Room-Temperature Blue Gallium Nitride Laser Diode”
- Gerhard Fasol and Katharina Runge: “Selective Electrodeposition of nanometer scale magnetic wires” Applied Physics Letters, 70, p. 2467-2468 (5 May 1997)
- Gerhard Fasol: “Fast, Cheap and Very Bright”
- Gerhard Fasol: “Longer Live for the Blue Laser”
- Gerhard Fasol: “Nanowires: Small is Beautiful”
- Gerhard Fasol: “Novel Simulation Techniques for Semiconductor Devices (III): Quantum Device Simulation Technologies – Simulating Quantum Transport Dynamics using the Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation” Journal of the Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 82, p. 512-519 (May 1999) (in Japanese)
other publications
- Gerhard Fasol: “Die blaue GaN Leuchtdiode: Auftakt für einen neuen Industriezweig (The blue GaN light emitting diode: the beginning of a new industry)” Physikalische Blätter, 51, p. 925-926 (October 1995)
- Gerhard Fasol: “Obituary: Masaru Ibuka (1908-97), Electrical Engineer and Founder of SONY” Nature, 391, p. 848 (26 February 1998)
- Gerhard Fasol: “R&D in Japan – Making the most of it” Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, p. 9-17 (December 1997)
- Gerhard Fasol: “Off-Broadway stages of research – – An interview by Gerhard Fasol with Dr. Genya Chiba, President of Japan’s Science and Technology Corporation” Physikalische Blätter, 53, p. 207-209 (March 1997)
- Gerhard Fasol: “Japan verstärkt Grundlagenforschung, Japan increases fundamental research – An interview by Gerhard Fasol with Professor Akito Arima, President of RIKEN and Chairman of Japan’s Central Educational Council”. Physikalische Blätter, Volume 52, Issue 9, (September 1996) pages 852-854 (open access on Wiley Online Library)
- Gerhard Fasol: “Success in Japan crucial for High-technology companies – but how? – An interview by Gerhard Fasol with K. Diehl, President of Merck-Japan” Physikalische Blätter, 51, p. 821-822 (September 1995)
- Gerhard Fasol: “Our research laboratories – a long-term investment for the business of NTT – An interview by Gerhard Fasol with Dr. T. Ikegami, Senior Vice President of the Japanese telecommunications company NTT” Physikalische Blätter, 50, p. 393-395 (May 1994)
- Gerhard Fasol: “Nicht-japanische Wissenschaftler in Japan — ein Blick hinter die Kulissen (Non-Japanese scientists in Japan – looking behind the screens)” Physikalische Blätter, 52, p. 250-251 (March 1996)
- Gerhard Fasol: “Japanische Herbstkonferenzen in Angewandter Physics (Japan’s autumn conferences on applied physics)” Physikalische Blätter, 50, p. 1118-1119 (December 1994) (my first report on Shuji Nakamura’s GaN work in Germany’s Physikalische Blätter)
- Gerhard Fasol: “Neues Japan – Neue Wege zum Business-Erfolg im zweitgrößten Markt der Welt” in “Marktstrategien Asien-Pazifik, Orientierung – Erfolgsfaktoren – Erfahrungsberichte, Schwerpunkt: China und Japan, Karin Dietz (editor), Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler GmbH, Wiesbaden, (Januar 2011) ISBN 978-3-409-11689-3, p. 96-109,