Tag: sonyericsson

  • SonyEricsson design team presentation & discussion

    The SonyEricsson mobile phone design team gave a very impressive presentation of their work at the Swedish Embassy yesterday.

    Here is Art Director Mr Kawagoi, who created the famous SonyEricsson logo, explaining the messages contained in his creation:

    SONY-Ericsson Design Director explaining his thoughts behind creating the SONY-Ericsson logo
    SONY-Ericsson Design Director explaining his thoughts behind creating the SONY-Ericsson logo

    Here Swedish Managers of the SonyEricsson Creative Design Center from Lund/Sweden:

    SONY-Ericsson presentation at the Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo
    SONY-Ericsson presentation at the Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo

    My conclusion: expect a lot more great designs out of SonyEricsson. Also, there is every indication it’s a very successful Japan-Swedish cooperation.

    [images in this post are taken with a DoCoMo/Sharp SH900i 3G/FOMA camera-phone in 2Megapixel setting, and sent through the air via DoCoMo’s FOMA network. Images are reproduced here in much less than the original 1224 x 1632 pixel size, which would not fit on most PC screens.]

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