Tag: google

  • YAHOO and Google’s mobile strategies

    Japan is a couple of years ahead of Europe and US in mobile communications by most measures.

    What are GOOGLE and YAHOO doing in Japan’s mobile sector?

    GOOGLE partnered with KDDI (Japan’s No. 2 mobile operator with about 25 million mobile subscribers) to develop mobile search.

    YAHOO-Japan made a large step forward when SoftBank acquired Vodafone’s Japan operations in March this year.

    SoftBank’s latest mobile phones include a “Y” = YAHOO button:

    SoftBank's Yahoo button
    SoftBank’s Yahoo button

    Yesterday, August 26, 2006, SoftBank opened it’s new flagship store in Tokyo-Roppongi including a YAHOO-Spot:

    SoftBank opens Yahoo-spots within the SoftBank stores
    SoftBank opens Yahoo-spots within the SoftBank stores

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