Tag: yahoo

  • Investor Club: What crisis? Meet some booming Japanese companies

    It’s not all doom and gloom here in Japan. Nintendo’s sales and operating profits are rising 8.8% year-on-year. KDDI saw its net profits increasing 59% year on year. Yahoo Japan increases dividends by 22%-25% for 2008. Who are today’s winners in Japan’s IT industry? Gerhard Fasol will show us how and why some great Japanese companies excel in today’s crisis.

    The talk reviews today’s status of Japan’s electrical companies, the telecommunications sector and the internet sector, and introduces seven different companies, which show rapid growth of revenues, operating income and net income despite the crisis. These seven companies we introduce turn the crisis into an opportunity.

    Mr Fasol is one of the best specialists of Japan’s IT industry. After 12 years in Japan working for the most prestigious Japanese institutions and companies (the University of Tokyo, NTT, Hitachi…), he founded the strategy and M&A firm Eurotechnology Japan KK in 1996. Mr Fasol has advised some of the greatest companies, including NTT, SIEMENS, Deutsche Telekom, Cubic, Unaxis and about 100 fund managers on strategy for Japan, as well as the President of Germany. He helped a French pharmaceutical company acquire a factory in Japan.
    He comments regularly on CNBC on Japan’s tech sector.

    Schedule: March 24th, 2009 (Tuesday) from 18:30
    The conference will be followed by a light cocktail.
    Place: French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan, meeting room
    Iida bldg 1F, 5-5 Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0085
    Tel.: 03-3288-9624
    Access map: www.ccifj.or.jp
    Language: English
    Fees: 5.000 yens (to pay in cash at the door)
    Payment will be required for cancellations or no-show after this deadline.
    Announcement on the website of the French Chamber of Commerce
    read a report on the talk here in the monthly newsletter of the French Chamber of Commerce in Japan (in French)

    Background reading: our J-ELECTRIC report about Japan’s electric companies
    and our Eurotechnology Japan Blog

    Copyright·©2013 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·

  • YAHOO and Google’s mobile strategies

    Japan is a couple of years ahead of Europe and US in mobile communications by most measures.

    What are GOOGLE and YAHOO doing in Japan’s mobile sector?

    GOOGLE partnered with KDDI (Japan’s No. 2 mobile operator with about 25 million mobile subscribers) to develop mobile search.

    YAHOO-Japan made a large step forward when SoftBank acquired Vodafone’s Japan operations in March this year.

    SoftBank’s latest mobile phones include a “Y” = YAHOO button:

    SoftBank's Yahoo button
    SoftBank’s Yahoo button

    Yesterday, August 26, 2006, SoftBank opened it’s new flagship store in Tokyo-Roppongi including a YAHOO-Spot:

    SoftBank opens Yahoo-spots within the SoftBank stores
    SoftBank opens Yahoo-spots within the SoftBank stores

    Copyright·©2013 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·

  • iPhone? iTunes/iPod phones?

    There is a lot of discussions about whether Steve jobs is going to announce an iPhone or iPod-Phone at the Apple Computer Developer’s Conference in SF – according to the headline report on Saturday May 13th, 2006 in Nihon Keizai Shinbun ( the world’s largest business daily ) it’s already known since May this year that Apple and SoftBank are developing such a joint mobile phone with iPod and iTunes functions.

    On March 17 SoftBank announced the full acquisition of Vodafone’s Japan subsidiary – the former J-Phone –  jointly with YAHOO-Japan as a co-investor – so with about 15 million mobile subscribers in the world’s most advanced mobile market (Japan), SoftBank/Apple will have the firepower to make such a phone a success, provided it’s tuned to Japanese consumers’ needs and dreams – my guess is that it probably will be.

    By pure coincidence, the Apple/SoftBank headlines appeared one or two days after DoCoMo and Microsoft announced a music cooperation.

    Apple/SoftBank iPod mobile phones coupled to iTunes could have quite a lot of impact on Japan’s music industry: about 20% of Japan’s music sales are to mobile phones. Of all music downloads in Japan about 6% are fixed line internet downloads, and 94% are music downloads to mobile phones: internet music downloads are almost neglibile in comparison to mobile phone music downloads.

    Therefore even if iTunes has a huge market share in the fixed line internet world, iTunes  cannot have much impact in Japan overall if limited to fixed line  internet downloads. iTunes downloads to mobile phones will change the business models of Japan’s music industry – at the moment music downloads to mobile phones cost a lot more than iTunes downloads. An iPod/iTunes music store could reshape the mobile music market in Japan.

    Copyright·©2013 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·