Tag: 3G
3G Summit & Mobile Payment workshop
22-25 January 2007 MarcusEvans organized the “Global 3G Evoluation Forum” in Makuhari near Tokyo. Speakers included: Takanori Utano, Executive Vice-President and CTO of DoCoMo, Takehiro Nakamura of NTT and Vice-Chairman of 3GPP Jean-Pierre Bienaime, Chairman of the UMTS-Forum, Gaston Ormazabal of Verizon Labs and many other leading mobile communications managers from all over the world.…
"The Economist" about 3G in Japan
An article in The Economist about Vodafone is partly based on our analysis: “Vodafone- Not so big in Japan” (The Economist, Sept 30th, 2004) Copyright·©1997-2013 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·
21.6 million 3G subscribers in Japan (31 August 2004)
The mobile phone subscriber statistics for August 2004 in Japan came out: 3G subscribers: KDDI/AU: 15,511,800 subscribers, conversion rate to 3G: 86.1% DoCoMo: 5,900,200 subscribers, conversion rate to 3G: 12.6% Vodafone: 237,600 subscribers, conversion rate to 3G: 1.6% Copyright·©1997-2013 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·
KDDI/AU has 80% of users on 3G
80% of KDDI/AU users are now converted to 3G, and KDDI/AU does not sell any 2G phones any more: only 3G and 3.5G (2.4Mbps data download). Here is KDDI/AU‘s newest 3.5G phone – the W21SA, for 2.4Mbps data download: More about Japan’s mobile telecom sector:Eurotechnology Japan report on Japan’s telecom industry Copyright·©1997-2013 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All…
Economist on 3G: "Vision, meet reality"
Just read an article in the Economist: “Mobile 3G telecoms: Vision, meet reality” which quotes ITU’s 2000 vision for 3G (ITU = International Telecommunication Union): The device will function as a phone, a computer, a television, a pager, a videoconferencing centre, a newspaper, a diary and even a credit card…it will support not only voice…