Tag: corporate governance reforms

  • Corporate governance reforms: making Japanese corporations great again? Monday, May 28, 2018, 19:00-21:00 at CCIFJ

    Corporate governance reforms: making Japanese corporations great again? Monday, May 28, 2018, 19:00-21:00 at CCIFJ

    Corporate governance reforms: making Japanese corporations great again?

    Understanding how Japanese Boards of Directors function helps you close deals Monday, May 28, 2018, 19:00-21:00 at CCIFJ

    Stimulating Japanese companies’ growth is a key element of Prime Minister Abe’s economic growth policies. For companies to grow, management needs to be improved, Boards of Directors need to bring in diverse experiences and new ideas, and Boards need to control executive management effectively. Corporate governance is important for investors, and also for those aiming to achieve major decisions from Japanese companies. If you want to make a major sale, an M&A transaction or create a partnership with a Japanese company, you need to understand how Japanese companies take decisions at Board of Directors level.

    The speaker is one of a limited number of foreigners with several years experience as Board Director and member of the Supervisory & Audit committee of a Japanese stock market listed company. His presentation will aim to give you a hands-on understanding of Japanese Board of Directors work from an insider with several years Japanese Board experience. He will illustrate this with an example, where he helped a European industrial group achieve agreement to cooperate from a large Japanese industrial group within 12 hours, by applying his Japanese Board Director experience.

    He addresses C-level executives aiming to close deals with Japanese corporations, and to fund managers who have new duties to interact more closely with Japanese Boards under the new stewardship code of the FSA. He will also prepare you for coming changes to these rules.

    About the speaker

    Gerhard Fasol graduated with a PhD in Physics of Cambridge University, Cavendish Laboratory, and Trinity College. He founded the company Eurotechnology Japan KK in 1997 and has been working with hundreds of Japanese and foreign companies on cross-border business development and M&A projects. He first came to Japan in 1984 to help build a research cooperation with NTT. For four years he served as Board Director of the Japanese stock market listed cybersecurity group GMO Cloud KK.

    He is also Guest-Professor at Kyushu University. He was tenured faculty at Cambridge University, Fellow and Director of Studies at Trinity College Cambridge, and also Guest Professor in Physics at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris.

    Date Monday, May 28, 2018
    Time From 19:00 to 21:00 (doors open at 18:30)
    Venue CCI France Japon, 1F Meeting room
    Admission Fee (to be paid in cash at the door or online via PayPal)
    JPY 4 000 for members of the French Chamber
    JPY 6 000 for non-members
    Language English
    Deadline for registration/cancellation Thursday, May 24, 2018, 17:00

    Registration: please click on the button “S’inscrire” at the bottom of this page.

    Copyright (c) 2018 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Corporate Governance Reforms in Japan, Gerhard Fasol at the Foreign Correspondents Club FCCJ 12 March 2018

    Corporate Governance Reforms in Japan, Gerhard Fasol at the Foreign Correspondents Club FCCJ 12 March 2018

    Corporate Governance Reforms in Japan

    Monday, March 12, 2018, 12:00 – 13:30 at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Japan FCCJ

    While many Japanese corporations are still admired around the world, too many have for years suffered sluggish growth and low profitability. A string of corporate scandals and failures have shocked the pubic and corroded confidence in Japanese business.

    The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has spearheaded reforms. A corporate governance code has been introduced to improve supervision of management and increase the number of independent outside directors. Change is happening faster than many expected and the reforms are generally regarded as successful. Yet, much still needs to be done to bring more diversity into Japanese boardrooms.

    Announcement on the FCCJ website


    Gerhard Fasol is one of a tiny number of foreigners in the boardrooms of listed Japanese corporations. A physicist and entrepreneur, he has been in Tokyo for quarter of a century. For four years he has been Board Director, and since last year additionally a member of the Supervisory and Audit Committee of the Japanese cybersecurity group GMO Cloud KK, which is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

    With years of experience of mergers and acquisitions and cross-border business development projects in Tokyo, Fasol is well placed to explain what’s happening inside Japan Inc. He will come to the FCCJ to discuss what we might expect from Japan’s corporate governance reforms.

    Copyright (c) 2018 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Corporate governance reforms in Japan

    Corporate governance reforms in Japan

    Corporate governance reforms are one of the key components of Abenomics, to improve economic growth in Japan

    Corporate governance reforms in Japan: talk at the OAG House in Tokyo, Wednesday 20 September 2017, 18:30-20:00

    Wednesday 20 September 2017, 18:30-20:00
    Talk: Gerhard Fasol: „Corporate Governance Reformen in Japan: Erfahrungen als Aufsichtsratsdirektor einer japanischen Firmengruppe
    Free of charge. No registration necessary. Everyone welcome.
    Location: OAG Haus, Minato-ku Akasaka 7-5-56, 107-0052 Tokyo-to

    Details: http://oag.jp/events/gerhard-fasol-corporate-governance-reformen-in-japan/

    The wealth and welfare of everyone living in Japan is based on the success of Japanese companies, how well companies are managed, and how managers are encouraged, supported and controlled.

    Therefore corporate governance reforms are an important part of the “Abenomics” economic reform program. Many think that the corporate governance reforms of recent years have been the most successful part of Abenomics, and the former Chairman of the Tokyo Stock Exchange even said that these reforms happened much faster than he had thought.

    Corporate governance mainly refers to the responsibilities of Board Directors who take part in the major decision making of every company, who supervise and support the executive management including the CEO/President of the company, and this make essential contributions to the success of companies.

    Another aspect of corporate governance is the “stewardship code”, which refers to the influence of investors on company’s executive management.

    Understanding decision making and the control of management, the way Japanese companies reach decisions and how this decision making is supervised, is essential knowledge for everyone who works to persuade Japanese corporations to take desired decisions, e.g. to achieve sales, partnerships, investments, or even Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), who invests in Japanese corporations. Employees should also understand how the companies they work for are run.

    This talk will explain the major components and fundamentals of corporate governance and its reforms in Japan based on several years of practical hands-on experience on the Board of Directors and on the Supervisory & Audit Committee of a stock market listed Japanese corporation.

    Speaker: Gerhard Fasol

    Gerhard Fasol graduated with a PhD in Physics from Cambridge University and Trinity College. He worked as research scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart on semiconductor and solid state physics research. He was tenured Faculty in Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, and he was Research Fellow, then Teaching Fellow and Director of Studies in Natural Sciences at Trinity College Cambridge. He was Manager of the Hitachi Research Laboratory in Cambridge, Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering at Tokyo University, and is founder of the advisory firm Eurotechnology Japan. He is Board Director of GMO Cloud KK, and since April 2017 he is Visiting Professor at the University of Kyushu.

    Gerhard Fasol: Corporate governance reforms in Japan: hands-on insights as Board Director of a Japanese group
    Gerhard Fasol: Corporate governance reforms in Japan: hands-on insights as Board Director of a Japanese group
    Gerhard Fasol: Corporate governance reforms in Japan: hands-on insights as Board Director of a Japanese group
    Gerhard Fasol: Corporate governance reforms in Japan: hands-on insights as Board Director of a Japanese group
    Gerhard Fasol: Corporate governance reforms in Japan: hands-on insights as Board Director of a Japanese group
    Gerhard Fasol: Corporate governance reforms in Japan: hands-on insights as Board Director of a Japanese group
    Gerhard Fasol: Corporate governance reforms in Japan: hands-on insights as Board Director of a Japanese group
    Gerhard Fasol: Corporate governance reforms in Japan: hands-on insights as Board Director of a Japanese group

    Copyright (c) 2017 by Eurotechnology Japan. All Rights Reserved.