KDDI announces Talby mobile phone designed by Marc Newson

Marc Newson designed Talby mobile phone announced by KDDI as part of the KDDI Design Project, today branded iida phones

KDDI – au Design Series mobile phones (today: iida brand)

Marc Newson designed Talby phone and user interface for KDDI / au

On 13 October 2004, KDDI/AU announced “talby”, the third phone in their “AU design series”. Volume sales start in December 2004. We expect that “talby” will be similarly successful as “infobar” one year ago.

“talby” is a fully featured 3G phone with camera (640×480 pixel), QVGA display, EZappli/BREW, Chaku-uta, email, EZweb, PIM, GPS/EZnaviwalk,…

Marc Newson for KDDI-AU design series: talby by Marc Newson
KDDI-AU design series: talby by Marc Newson

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