PENCK (KDDI-AU Designer Series)

PENCK phone by Makoto Saito Design Office for KDDI's design series.

Today, February 18, KDDI-AU introduced PENCK – the latest model in the Designer Series, designed by Makoto Saito Design Office Inc.:

Designer: Makoto Saito Design Office Inc.
Data rate = 2.4 Mbps
Music = Chaku-Uta-Full, stereo speakers
Camera = 1.24 Megapixel, incl QR barcode reader
GPS = incl. Naviwalk navigation
and more…

When I was asked to brief the President of Germany, Horst Koehler, on Japan’s technology sector, KDDI kindly loaned me PENCK-phones, which I used in one of the demonstrations for President Koehler of Japan’s mobile phone industry.

KDDI-AU design series: PENCK
KDDI-AU design series: PENCK
KDDI-AU design series: PENCK
KDDI-AU design series: PENCK

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