Category: disaster
[Trinity Japan] Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal in discussion with Trinity in Japan
Lord Martin Rees in discussion with Trinity in Japan on 31 July 2020. Topics discussed include the recent Nobel Prize for Didier Queloz, existential risks to humanity, exoplanets and extraterrestrial life, the possibility and conditions on planet Mars and on other planets and exoplanets, and experimental programs to detect extraterrestrial life, and the current situation…
Entrepreneurs Roundtable – “Risk Aversion During Crisis Event”
I was one of the two keynote speakers at today’s Tokyo Executive’s Round Table Event about “Riek aversion during crisis events”. William Saito and myself discussed with a group of about 20-30 entrepreneurs and Tokyo based business people about how our organizations, our customers, our staff and ourselves coped with the March 11, 2011 disaster,…