Tag: sharp
Japan’s electronics conglomerates: Whats the difference between Apple/IBM vs Sony/Panasonic/NEC?
Why are Apple/IBM/Microsoft/Google so very different compared to SONY/Panasonic/NEC Need for corporate governance reforms in Japan My friend’s question: Why are Apple/IBM/Microsoft/Google so very different compared to SONY/Panasonic/NEC Gerhard Fasol’s answer: Profit and growth. Apple and IBM grow and are highly profitable. Sony, Panosonic and NEC have no growth and no profit for 15 years…
Bloomberg, BusinessWeek, Economist
Eurotechnology Japan KK in the press: Bloomberg: Vodafone K.K.’s Tsuda Seeks Growth in Japan, Not Sale BusinessWeek: How Sharp Stays On The Cutting Edge. More on SHARP in our report on Japan’s electronics industries BusinessWeek: Lasers Are About to Enter Their Blue Period BusinessWeek: Vodafone’s Bad Connection In Japan The Economist: Vodafone – not so…